AHCARB312 Use standard climbing techniques to access trees – LRES Training Management

AHCARB312 Use standard climbing techniques to access trees


Learner Guide with Unit Content, Assessment Tasks, Competency Records, Benchmark Answers and Assessment Mapping for AHCARB312 Use standard climbing techniques to access trees.


Learner Guide with Unit Content, Assessment Tasks, Competency Records, Benchmark Answers and Assessment Mapping for AHCARB312 Use standard climbing techniques to access trees.

This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to climb trees with ropes and harnesses using standard techniques for the purpose of accessing required sections of trees.

This unit applies to workers who have a range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply a specialised range of methods, ropes, equipment and information to complete routine activities and provide and transmit solutions to predictable and sometimes unpredictable problems. Work is implemented with low risk work procedures and to comply with Safe Work Method Statement documentation.

FORMAT: Customisable MS Word

Qualifications that include this unit

  • AHC30816 – Certificate III in Arboriculture
  • AHC20416 – Certificate II in Horticulture


AHCARB312 Use standard climbing techniques to access trees