CPPSIS5050A Create engineering drawings – LRES Training Management

CPPSIS5050A Create engineering drawings


Learner Guide with Unit Content, Assessment Tasks, Competency Records, Benchmark Answers and Assessment Mapping for CPPSIS5050A Create engineering drawings.


Learner Guide with Unit Content, Assessment Tasks, Competency Records, Benchmark Answers and Assessment Mapping for CPPSIS5050A Create engineering drawings.

This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to create and output two-dimensional (2-D) engineering drawings using suitable surveying software. It requires high-level technical application and the ability to apply theoretical concepts to a range of surveying data specifications. Functions would be carried out within organisational guidelines.

This unit of competency supports the application of planning, organisational, communication and problem-solving skills; and high-level understanding of technology. The skills and knowledge acquired upon completion of this unit would support the needs of employees in surveying.

FORMAT: Customisable MS Word

Qualifications that include this unit

  • CPP50112 – Diploma of Surveying
CPPSIS5050A Create engineering drawings