ICTNWK555 Determine best-fit topologies for local networks – LRES Training Management

ICTNWK555 Determine best-fit topologies for local networks


Learner Guide with Unit Content, Assessment Tasks, Competency Records, Benchmark Answers and Assessment Mapping for ICTNWK555 Determine best-fit topologies for local networks.


Learner Guide with Unit Content, Assessment Tasks, Competency Records, Benchmark Answers and Assessment Mapping for ICTNWK555 Determine best-fit topologies for local networks.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to determine the most effective ways of networking computers to meet user needs and business requirements.

It applies to individuals in networking roles who are required to plan network topology options for local networks.

FORMAT: Customisable MS Word


Qualifications that include this unit

  • ICT50220 – Diploma of Information Technology


ICTNWK555 Determine best-fit topologies for local networks